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Showing posts from October, 2015

In waiting ...

So this is Terrorist  Father-of-four Shaker Aamer who has been detained at the US military prison in Cuba since 2002 without trial. He arrived on a private plane at Biggin Hill airport in south-east London.  He will now be reunited with his wife Zin and children – one of whom, he has never met. But give it a couple of years and he'll be back to his old tricks. Next time he won't be given the chance to get out.

Plumber ???

Just as the waves are rough on the shores of Southern California at the moment. Things are about to get somewhat rough. For Bradley Cooper. Seems he doesn't have as good a  control over his life that he thinks. Perhaps a change in his PR people would help. Leak Bradley, LEAK.

For Real ????

Derek Jeter & Hannah Davis are engaged. They are simply dying,  to spend theirs lives together. Well, that's good. As the relationship, is dying before it began. Oh well. Mind you ding dong awaits..... PRE-NUP..

Slippy slope he's one for sure ..

After watching a clip of Brit Ed Sheeran on the EMTV Awards show. Which he was presenting. Clearly pissed out of his mind. WHY? Not funny, not clever, sloppy and unprofessional. Needs rehab, NOW

TOLD YA... Another one bites the dust .. Monday, December 8, 2014 2015 Predictions 2015 Predictions  Composed between  Nov 14th  noon & Dec 1st 7pm 2014 In Hermosa Beach Ca, USA. 26    Halle Berry  Back on top professionally this year,  but privately a complete mess.  She really does have a knack,  of picking the wrong guys.  But the next one will be great.  Try a different type Halle.

What A Plonker ...

So my favorite Lesbian Justin Bieber. Is thinking of having his coffee stirrer,  made into a sex toy. By a company called. "Clone a Willy". I thought that they'd done it already. Which is why we have JB. Well, if he does. Let's hope it comes complete,  with a very strong magnifying glass. My prediction. Sales will be a flop ...

TOLD YA .Humpty or Dumpty ?? Thursday, September 3, 2015 Needs a new friend ........ Jimmy Fallon,  needs to get a new friend/agent/manager. One that will tell him what's what. Gets him to see that he needs,  to reset his life/career. Before he loses one or both.

This has Gold Digger & Viagra written all over it ...

Mick Jaggers,  ex Jerry Hall is now dating Rupert Murdoch. You just can't make this stuff up. You think you've heard it all. Then, bingo.... Well you really don't need me to predict this one, but of course I will. DIVORCE  ENDING...

Rude, naughty girl ...

Not cool, Demi Lavato was all set to tour the World with Adam Lambert. Then she dumped him,  for "Gay" wannabe Nick Jonas. Well, that's the tour a flop now. Side note. Demi & Nick share the same manager. Errmmmm....

Oscar flop .......

Well the powers that be must be scrapping the bottom of the barrel. They have picked Chris Rock,  to host the 2016 Oscars. Not good. Oh Well. At least I'll get a good restaurant seat that day.

Time to move to France ..

Even with a sister who is to be,  The Future Queen of Britain. Pippa Middleton to claiming to be broke, depressed and sad. So guess what? She's doing a Fergie. She's moving to America. Good help us all. Let's pray she stays on the East Coast.
So the end of the world,  could be very near at hand. Kyle Jenner, is contemplating,  going in to the acting game. I suppose she has a bit of a head start. As everyday she has to act as though, she has an IQ over 18 as well as a personality. I can't see her doing anything,  other than porn though. He He ...

Told Ya Mr Speaker ......

Saturday, October 10, 2015 Hope not, but he will .. I feel So after a week of GOP madness. The powers that be. Are putting the pressure. On Paul Ryan to take a job nobody wants. Speaker of the House. He shouldn't as it will spoil his chance of being, President in the future. But I think he'll cave.

Two for one moron GOP ticket ..

Now as much as I would like to see these two. Run on the same GOP ticket. It won't happen. But just the thought of it. Sets me off in giggle. Oh Well.......


Celebrity scumbag/child molester/sexual deviant,  photographer, Terry Richardson is having a baby with his long-time assistant, Alexandra Bolotow .  This is not going to end well.   Nor do I see the baby making it to this World.

World Woes ...

You have heard me predict in the past months. That "We" are at a crossroads. The whole World. Things are very much teetering,  on the edge of no return. "We" have a matter of months,  to start to get our shit together. Otherwise. A time will be triggered. That "We" won't be able to pull back from. The result. You really don't want to know.

From one extreme to the other ...

Well, well the wires are a buzz. With the rumours that,  Kate Hudson & Nick Jonas are dating. Since when did staying in the same hotel. Equate to dating. ROTFL .......

Disgusting BITCH ...

So all of a sudden Khole Kardashian, is all concerned about,  her ex Lamar Odom. Really .... Well I suppose her and her scumbag family. Are concern over one thing. How to get his money,  once they have killed him off.

Naughty girl ...

Abby Lee Miller of Dance Moms fame. Has, it seems she has been hiding earnings, from the tax man. Some $750.000 worth. Well, that's just the tip of this iceberg. There alot more under the mattress.

TOLD YA,Drugs are bad ... Friday, May 16, 2014 She's just as BAD.... As you no doubt know. Khole   Kardashian , will tell anyone & everyone. About her soon to be ex Hubby's Lamar Odom's drugs problem. But she's just as bad. Which makes her a  HYPOCRITE. But not to worry all will be revealed,  in the divorce court.

WTF ............

Adam Levine has a new look. It won't last. He looks like a child molester. What is he thinking. I think he's about to crack up.

Way worse to come ...

So if people think that by,  basically ignoring the recent clashes between. Israel & Palestine, they will disappear. WRONG. By Christmas/New Year. All out MESS ...

More legal troubles ahead ...

British pop Star,  Peter Andre has been branded a liar,  by a British Judge. Well, that maybe the least of Peters worries. As they are many more legal woes ahead. Which if he doesn't start telling the truth. May take all he owns.

Told Ya, Brolly time ahead .. Friday, September 4, 2015 Terrible Weather to come ... Better get your wellies, brollies & shovels ready. The El Nino that is on it's way. Will turn out to be the worst ever in history. It'll make the last one look like Springtime. One bit of good news,  is that it will solve the drought. In CA in one fell swoop.

Please God ..... Wait one term...

VP Joe Biden has gone home to chat,  with family about running for President. If he does run,  his health will be an issue. BUT WAIT...  He'll win.....

Told Ya, I pity the RICH men of London ha ha Thursday, December 19, 2013 BAD match.............. Pippa Middleton is engaged,  to her beau Nico Jackson. Not good..... I sense divorce papers before the wedding. Better make sure it's an ironclad prenup, Nico.

Hope not, but he will .. I feel

So after a week of GOP madness. The powers that be. Are putting the pressure. On Paul Ryan to take a job nobody wants. Speaker of the House. He shouldn't as it will spoil his chance of being, President in the future. But I think he'll cave.

Told Ya, he he he .. Tuesday, January 1, 2013 HAPPY NEW YEAR........ Christian Dion  The Seer’s  2013 Predictions (Completed Dec 19 th  2012) 27                       GOP   they need to get their act together if they wish to survive at all. The main problem is that the leaders live in such ivory towers, they can't see the ground for the clouds. Nothing good for them in 2013 as they get even lower ratings as the months go on.

Told Ya, naughty boy .. Sunday, April 5, 2015 Storm a head...... "I love me actor" John Stamos "Aren't I fabulous". Is going to have a major headache career wise. In the coming weeks. Couldn't happen to a nicer person.

PR woes ahead...

After watching a clip of Carson Daly. Plugging "The Voice". I got an odd feeling,  that he's about to get a whole lot of really bad PR. It won't turn out well either.

Testosterone overload ...

I know that I have in the past predicted,  that this moron. Would do what he is now doing. But there's worse to come. The powers that be, need to take heed. Or it will be to their peril.

From the World of, Me,Me,Me ...

So Kylie Jenner, just ought herself a $320.000 car. A birthday gift to herself. It's called a Rolls Royce "GHOST" . I find the iron intriguing to say the least. Won't be shiny for long.

Jezz this girl moves fast ...

So it is being said,  that Rihanna is now on to dating,  rapper Travis Scott. Does she ever stop to enjoy her own company. Or is that the problem. She doesn't like her own company,  can't blame her really. Oh well, another Relationship,   that won't see 2016 out.

Bloody bonkers ......

Who in their right mind,  thinks that this is a good idea. Lindsay Vrkovnik and Scott Disick,  in New York City. Where are her parents, she's only 18yrs old. This is going to be big trouble.

Told Ya, So much for inclusion ... Monday, December 8, 2014 2015 Predictions 2015 Predictions  Composed between  Nov 14th  noon & Dec 1st 7pm 2014 In Hermosa Beach Ca, USA. 146   Pope Scandals/Church     I kind of feel sorry for this Pope.      As he tries to bring much needed change.       He's going to come up against the old guard Papal Wall.      Sad to say he won't be able to climb it.

Big head, little dick ...

Napoleonic syndrome actor Jeremy Previn. Needs to put a stop to his bad behaviour. Before someone comes to light. That won't take the payoff..

Deep end ahead ... Heartache & family....

Olympic medal winner Tom Daley, 21,  shows off his new fiancĂ© Dustin Lance Black, 41. This is such a bad idea. Tom needs to wake up and smell the coffee or chlorine. Or he'll soon find out he's about to marry Svengali.  DLB is an abuser. 

Told Ya, Darkness revealed ... Tuesday, September 22, 2015 Somethings not right ..... I get the darkest feeling about the Pope's visit. Lets hope the SS catch whatever it is.