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I Voted .....


Letty said…
I just voted for the First Woman PresIdent!!
Go Hillary!
Anonymous said…

OT: CD, have you ever offered an event where you share your point of view et al with a live audience? You are so entertaining, I'd surely want to go if it were in SoCal.

~ Johanna ~
T. W. said…
This is great! How do you feel?
Anonymous said…
Voted for Hillary, Russ Feingold & Nelson.

Psychic Gossip said…
Re Show I did in the UK, very well too I am told, including the West End, (Broadway). But the TV producers hereseem not to want to touch what I do. As they soon realize that its for real CD
Anonymous said…
Then imagine someone who will why not broadcast live through your site? Create your own way.
CyndiTx123 said…
Congrats CD on voting for presidency on our first Woman Prez!! We voted for her as well. My hubby is now getting worried about Trump winning……… I said CD said that will not happen….. So thanks again for your insight!!

Ps. What do you think about Nastrodamus….I watched a show that said he had predicted that false claims of a rigged election….. something like that in one of his quatrains …. Anyway, thought that was interesting.

T. W. said…
We need to put up money to produce Christian's show!
Psychic Gossip said…
Thanks for the kind words re show. But here's an example. When the Election is announced with Hilary the winner, not many will say you got it CD .
But if the result were the other way.
I would be bombard with See you were wrong..
Anonymous said…
CD, I understand as a society we need to focus more on the positive and value your gift and all your amazing predictions! People fear what they don't understand or control!
T. W. said…
You are right. I had not thought of that.
OWS99 said…
It's getting scary, I am shocked at how close this is so far. WTF?? Is wrong with these people. I don't know that we'll get the Senate. Still hoping. I know what you mean, C.D., if you get something wrong as a psychic, that's all they remember.
Anonymous said…
CD change the frequency you're on, and focus on a new outlet for your talents called a show. Boy George played games with the Hollywood psychic on E! I guess he was scared to know the truth.
Anonymous said…
This is a very tight race which I am shocked!
Trump is actually doing VERY well!
CD I hope your prediction is correct!
Anonymous said…
He's in the lead CD! What now? I'm so scared please help
Anonymous said…
Getting nervous here, Christian. Is Hillary still going to win?

Anonymous said…
Nah I know you got it for sure

He will be thrown out at the last moment.
T. W. said…
North Carolina is officially Republican. Pray for us.
NicQuerica said…
If Hillary wins I will say you got it right, CD! But if Trump wins I will say...nothing! I'll be too damn busy trying to figure out how to leave the country and raise my son elsewhere!
Anonymous said…
CD, unless an election miracle happens, you are about to be bombarded. Sorry.
OWS99 said…
OMG....I don't know about this Christian. He looks to be winning?
Anonymous said…
CD-Trump is pretty much just about to win this thing. What the heck is happening? I am horrified. Oh Sweet Jesus! I can't believe what I am seeing.
Anonymous said…
Donald is at 244 electoral votes. I want to cry right now.
T. W. said…
Things are looking good for Trump. NBC news is already calling him President. Not so fast. The Electoral College can vote against the will of the people. We will see.
Anonymous said…
Pray Hilary wins.
CyndiTx123 said…
CD- just woke up and it shows trump 244 and clinton 215… i am nervous !!! But I am standing by you said she is gonna win!!!! Please Lord let hillary win !!
Anonymous said…
Getting very scary now but still believing in the prediction
Anonymous said…
How on earth did this happen? That Trump will be the U S president? Feeling nauseous and beyond sick.
Anonymous said…
CD please do a quick post to reassure. I'm about to have a heart malfunction now.
T. W. said…
Racist people like Trump. Christians tend to vote Republican. I don't do Republican unless they did their job while in office.
T. W. said…
NBC claims the Republicans took over the House and the Senate. As for the Presidency, we may not know tonight because votes are still being counted. What will Donald say when he loses?
T. W. said…
Bless you and your son.
Anonymous said…
There are still enough votes left for Hillary to win. I am praying...really hard! The U.S.A. is all but gone, if the baryfart face wins. goodbye freedom.
T. W. said…
I can't sleep. NBC swears Trump is the winner, but they claim the race is too close to call. Which is it?

Many years ago the newspapers claimed a man named Dewey won the presidency. He didn't. Shame on NBC news.

I fear for our country.
T. W. said…
PBS is reporting Russia may have had a hand in our election outcome.
Anonymous said…
hahahahaha. So move to Canada! But leave your guns back at the ranch!
Anonymous said…
Unless a miracle happens, Trump has won this thing. Stock market is crashing as I type this. All the small players in the market (ie, the lower and middle class people) are going to get crushed again, like 2008. Housing market is going to crash. All the richey riches are going to get richer.

Mike Pence is a diehard anti-abortion advocate. Republicans have won the senate and the house of representatives. Kiss abortion rights Goodbye. 6 million people can kiss Obamacare Goodbye. See the Supreme Court get stuffed with three more ultra Conservatives. See these constrictions last for the next 30 years.

Third party voters and write ins (I see what you did T.W.), ya got to live under King Trump's rule now. Watch the minimum wage do DOWN.

I don't understand the outcome of this election. Nearly everyone I know voted for Clinton. We did. Pray for a miracle.

June said…
Christian how could you fail in an event this magnitude? This world is fucked up, after Breixit we only needed Trump and his first "lady". I'm truly scared, if 2016 was a terrible year what can we expect for 2017? Absolutely scary...
T. W. said…
PBS and the Associated Press have declared Trump the winner. Pray for Amerikkka.
Anonymous said…
CD, you gave us such determination that Hillary would win. And given the way this evening has unfolded. HOW???? The right thing to do to appease our anxieties and tensions, AND not to mention our fears and REAL TEARS, is to tell us in what unusual or miraculous way Hillary will win!?? It's 11:36 PM PST. John Podesta. her campaign manager has sent her supporters home who've been waiting at the Javis center. News outlets are saying she will likely concede in the morning!! wtf!! *excuse my language.
T. W. said…
Hillary has conceded the race.
T. W. said…
Maybe the Russians had a hand in it and it will be discovered in time for Hillary to take office.
Anonymous said…
I made a prediction of my own a while back, I think I said it here (don't expect anyone to remember). In short, this election isn't going to play out to the usual script. Something gets in the way, interrupts the story. The winner won't end up as the winner. Voting and inauguration won't necessarily match up. I don't believe this is done and dusted yet.
Anonymous said…
Calm down, take a deep breath, it will be fine.
Anonymous said…
11:11, said the guards to those going to the gas chamber

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