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My Prediction for TRUMP at the end of VOTE DAY

As those of you who follow my blog.
Or visit from time to time.
You are aware that I predicted Hilary would win.
Not only that prediction.
But, before President Obama ran first time.
I said 
" That Hilary wouldn't win, till Pres Obama had won twice.
She then would win....
That if she runs in 2020, she'll win again.


please help! please pray for my mom everyone...I dont have a picture to send or anythring...My dad died 3 months ago and my mom just told me today that they found cancer/sarcoma in her colon and she has to have surgery and maybe radiation...I am so scared and already in grief...we lost my dad, his sister, and my great aunt already this year...I don't even know how to handle this news other than asking for good tthoughts and prayers for my mom! :-(
Letty said…
Thank you CD! You are awesome!
Anonymous said…
As my Dad says "work today,rest tmrw - say every day ;)" " so in case u were thinking of resting.......My darling CD, please, ahem, .......we need u to help us over in beautifull Britannia - Brexit!! Heeellllppp, Our Judges have clarified Parliament to ratify Brexit as policy. Once our celebrations of US Democrat Party win are enjoyed thoroughly, & a bit of rest & TLC, perhaps the New Years prediction to include the UK's Brexit brainfreeze. The U.S. Presidential race was less scary because of your guidance. Big love to u. Lh, London
Anonymous said…
Yes Frugal & Fabulous, prayers & loving thoughts for you & Mom, Prayers for great help & support are answered so I ask it for you all. God bless, LH, London.
HappyBlogger said…
I'm so sorry to read of your heartbreaking losses. But please know that a stranger in Nashville has read this and sending prayers your way. Please don't forget to call upon your angels and spirit guides. They are forever by your side.
T. W. said…
I have prayed for all of you.
T. W. said…
I take this to mean Hillary will do a good job. This pleases me.
Anonymous said…
Dear Christian! I do believe you when it comes to Hillary winning the election. This is because they would not premit Trump to win,( rest assured rigging the poles.)Or giving him a bullet if he comes too close of winning the Presidency, right. However, although I am fond of you,so I must ask ,if you`re sure you are not compremiced in any way shape or form? I get the impression that you actually want(?!) Hillary to become the next president of the USA. She HAS been compremiced in a BIG way for many years of let`s say, beings that not have our BEST at heart. It is truly sicening what she has become. She will be anounced as the winner, but there will be some trouble in the aftermath i believe. My prears is With the American People( this election is far more important than many of you know!), hope there is a devine intervention to help solve it all.(We don`t want WW3 with the Russians!)
Psychic Gossip said…
Send your Dads name via email to see if a friend can send a pic of your Mum too, if possible. So come on gang lets send all the healing we can...CD
Anonymous said…
Frugal, CD is a renowned healer. My hubby has stage four stomach cancer with a section of colon cancer, and CD did a reading for him.
Only has a 4% chance of him beating it, but CD said he will, but it will be tough.

So far he has lived twice as long as the doctors predicted.

CD will tell you what you need to know to get through this, and his healing prayers are the real deal.

Someone else you might want to check is Dr. Issam Nemeh in Cleveland. He does totally free healing services once a month, He's got this beautiful gift, too.

Love to you--HRH
Anonymous said…
2:36, it's all over but the crying for you.
Unknown said…
I pray with you and for you that the Angels offer immediate assistance with all you are going through. All the help and healing that you need...right away!! I also pray to the Divine Holy Mother. She comes through!
Anonymous said…
Sending positive and healing energy your way sweetie <3 God I pray that you'll wrap Frugal and Fabulous's Mom her, and their friends, family, and loved ones in your loving arms and let her know that she's loved and cherished, and that she'll be cancer free, healthy and happy. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
Kristy said…
Healing prayers said for you Frugal!
Unknown said…
Frugal and Fabulous,
Apparently, you and your Mom need to do some forgiveness work
And Jesus would like you to pray to him... that's the health message
Unknown said…
Resentment, grudges tell her to let them go...
The Original Sarah said…
Praying for you and your family. Xxooo
Common Sense said…
Frugal and Fabulous, I am so very sorry to hear your news about your beloved Mom. Carmen Reilly might be on to something because every illness has a core emotional issue, as in this case, colon cancer = inability to adapt and let go, holding onto anger within.

Illness is one of our greatest teachers, and although initially, a diagnosis can seem the worst, miracles can and do happen, and so you and your Mom should not give up hope -- ever. Believe!

Sending love and healing prayers to you, your Mom and family. Hang in there!
thank you cd and everyone! I will try to take a pic of my mom tomorrow and email you! thank you!!!!
Tony said…
Frugal and prayers are with you. Bless you all
C said…
Archangel Raphael please heal Frugal and Fabulous's mother. Surround her and the whole family in your emerald green light, unconditional love and acceptance. Thank you. And so it is. Amen.
Anonymous said…
Stay strong Frugal. I sent you and your mom healing energy. When I was doing it I saw an image of a little white poodle. I don't know who it belongs to or why I saw it, but it was cute. :)
Anonymous said…
Carmen Reilly, thats cold. You dont personally know Frugal or her mother, and you are making judgements out of thin air.

Frugal, dont let Carmens comments get in your head. The last thing you need is psychological advice from a random internet troll at a time like this. Love ya!
melmomma6 said…
Frugal and Fabulous, Sending Prayers and Healing from Erie, Pennsylvania.
Anonymous said…
Only foreign London wants to stay in the EU. 17.4 million voted brexit. You out of touch Londoner.
Anonymous said…
Frugal I'm joining in with the healing wishes today. What a horrible horrible time you've had. I so hope your mother pulls through this.

Melic21 said…
Frugal and Fabulous I have just sent healing to your Mum and prayer and my team to assist in her healing xxx
Anonymous said…
I do not believe in predictions but this time I hope to hit the good of the world
we had a bichon frise growing up! :-)
thank you so much everyone, I feel very comforted and blessed! I am emailing my mom's pic to CD today so hopefully that helps! thank u CD!
Anonymous said…
Anon 9.16am, I want the referendum outcome to be adhered to as that was the vote outcome. To reverse Referendum outcome is not honouring democracy. But terms need to be understood better. Bickering politicians, Parliament so divide. What are our MPs going to do to move us forward with Brexit. Hence brainfreeze comment. All of London foreign to you then? Oh dear! LH in a global city once known as Londinium for a while ;)
Anonymous said…
Cancer is sometimes caused from anger and resentment illnesses are part if our emotions or baggage we hold onto.
Anonymous said…
@8.04 There are two components to communication. The core message, and the manner in which it is delivered. I can't comment on the first but you have definitely failed on the second.

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