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Really ?

Seems like the PR team has hit another wall.
Now that are claiming that these two,
 are to be married, SOON...
As well as expecting..
Well which one is it?
If this were true.
Do you really think the they would release,
 this on the Eve of the American Election?
NO, they wouldn't. 
Just a day of, waste of time, news day.
Other than Trump/Clinton stuff.
Mind you did make me laugh.
For those who don't believe me.
Look at the body language.....
Plus, this is a posed pic, not a fan snap....


Unknown said…
Hillary winning....
She might be a surprise
She's waded through so much shit to get here
But putting her and Bill's past aside
She might surprise and accomplish QUITE an it for the US
Anonymous said…
Hillary Clinton might be able to accomplish QUITE a bit for the US.
She's waded through a lot of sh$t to get here.
She might be very very good!
T. W. said…
I will be happy when this is over.
Anonymous said…
It's one of the worst relationships I've seen so far. His eyes are not in love. They don't really show any loving PDA. Maybe in the beginning a little handholding. But that was it. No one really believes it. Sad. I wouldn't want to be in such a cold relationship. They look like friends. Nothing more. A couple deeply in love looks different. My opinion.
Anonymous said…
BWAHAHAHAHA, this made me laugh so hard too. CD I love your sense of humor, it's the best. She makes me want to throw up >:( I hope he finds whoever is meant for him asap and I hope it's soon.
Anonymous said…
Rob's Delusional Crazy Fans in 3...2....1: Oops looks like they've already made it.

If Rob CHOOSES to be a part of a PR relationship that must mean he's not looking for the LOVE you so badly want him to have.

Jealousy is a bad look for you girls.

Anonymous said…
Anonymous 2:28 a.m. Yes, there are a lot of crazy, rabid fans out there, who are die hard crazies. Just look at the comments in Gossip Cop's site. You'll see. It is his choice and it has nothing to do with us. Shut the haters down CD!
Anonymous said…
I hope they both get what they need. What they want, (more $~more fame~ who knows) is just not a good look on either of them.
Anonymous said…
Wow chill out! Just cause someone says they hope he finds love isn't a crazy thing to say. You sound more pressed than the shippers do.
Jess said…
Cd since you say it's still PR and I completely agree with you btw, can you see when it will be announced over? Please say before Christmas!!
Anonymous said…
Newsweek - has already published its 'Madam President' front cover - its all over - even if they have to commit election fraud to get her in.
Anonymous said…
3,2,1... to the other side. Why do you think you are better as others? Look in your mirror. As long as you judge ppl it only has something to do with yourself.
Anonymous said…
To anons at 2:28 AM and 3:41 AM. You seem don't know rob fandom if you think someone is jealous. Rob fans believe he is with Twigs in relationship because there is no reason to think otherwise. You anon that talk about Gossip Cop and haters that post there should know that these haters are crazy stans of kristen stewart that can't deal with her lesbianism and hate on Rob because he is not with her anymore; they hate on Twigs too because she is not kstew. Twisted logic, but it is what it is. And for CD, Rob shut down the question about marriage asked by People magazine during the Go Gala. I have seen many sneaky pics of Rob and Twigs taken by fans/ random people and they looked like a couple. Well, CD still doesn't say why Rob needs this PR.
Anonymous said…
Anon 7:19,Oh trust me honey, I've seen a lot of the jealously and hate going on in the fandom. I'm not hating on you in any way, and you're right yes they do say nasty and mean things about her. Yes, he isn't with her anymore and yes it is twisted logic, they look at themselves in the mirror and think they're oh so perfect and that they can't do wrong in the eyes of their "Queen." When Twigs was getting attacked by those idiots on her twitter account, I was so disgusted and no one should ever have to through that and defended her. But as time went on, the cracks began to appear in her little facade and no one's buying it anymore. The reason he needs the PR is to get it out in the media/public eye and to get people talking/gossiping about what's going on, and to get people off his ass about it. He and Twugly make money off it.Hollywood is all smoke and mirrors.
I'm a rob fan all I want is for rob to be happy but Why can't this crazy PR shit be over with because it's making them look like idiots and if they do say it's over the R&T fans wouldn't believe it because they want it to be real so bad. And the sad thing is R&T fans will turn it into they are married and have a child like the R&K fans are still doing. But didn't CD say it wouldn't see another Christmas.
June said…
I don't get it. After a PR relationship with K. Stewart that lasted as much as Twilight Saga like 4 years I think, Why on earth would this guy get into another PR relationship? He doesn't strike me like the kind of actor who seeks attention desperately, he's not filming blockbusters but Indies or low budget movies so, What's the point of a relationship with a "nobody"? No offense but no one had heard about her before she got entangled with Pattinson. Yes, it has brought benefits to her, but to him? I can only think he's hiding his homosexuality? I don't know this is just weird.
Anonymous said…
@June, I am a fan of rob and I ask the same questions. Rob is not filming blockbusters only indies, he's not attending a million Hollywood events, premieres ,he is barelly papped, he is not living in LA anymore at least and how on earth he is ''accused'' of being in PR relationship as you said with a nobody and a woman that many call ugly? He gets mostly a bad press while he is with her , he is either accused of being responsible for racist hate she was gatting or not defending her. I mean his PR team is not able to ask a journalist to write a PR piece for him to prise him or something. He is not gay. CD said he's just British.
Anonymous said…
June: That's the point, no one ever heard of her before she even got with him, and then overnight she went from being a nobody to being well known in the industry. He's not seeking any kind of attention, it's to get people off his back about his personal life and get them talking. It's about the $$$$$. I think he's bi-sexual but not gay. If he was, he would've come out of the closet or a blind item would've hinted at it. It's weird as hell to me, too. But CD said with his predictions timing is the hardest thing to pin down.
Anonymous said…
So why doesn't CD say when it will end? Makes no sense at all.
Anonymous said…
CD has been posting a lot about these two in the last few days, and I think this is his way of telling us that it's finally over with and done. The nail in the coffin is now. He originally banned them from his blog because of all the crazies, and now that it's died down, he's letting us know now.
Anonymous said…
Oh anon @ 1:09 that's a great analogy. You're probably right. Just wonder why he doesn't ever respond to any of us about him. It just sucks cause a select few of the crazies ruined it for genuine rob fans who love to hear what CD says about his life. Instead we get nothing. :(
Anonymous said…
I'm a bit baffled as to why this story has so many obsessives trailing behind it. Its one thing being interested or a general fan, but the degree of emotional dependency and the amount of energy some people invest in it comes across as unhealthy. Don't pour so much heavy energy into other people's love life, take it back and use it to fuel your own.
Unknown said…
Lol yes I've seen that when rob was asked about his wedding he said SAY WHAT NOW lol and Rob and Twigs fans was upset about Twigs not being at GO GALA and making excuses saying Twigs wasn't there because she needs to grow her eyebrows back pmsl. I do think it's over now.
Anonymous said…
Ramitas nunca ha llevado cejas, siempre han sido pintadas, no estaba en la Go porque tenía trabajo en otro sitio y no porque estaba enferma, ya que fue vista y fotografiada en un club de fetichismo, extraños gustos tienen, con Rob iba a club gays, por quien de los dos? y el anillo desapareció de su dedo en enero, desde cuando una prometida se quita su anillo de compromiso? y mas cuando lo estuvo llevando el año anterior desde la gala Swarovsky hasta casi finales de año que ya no era fijo, se quitaba y ponía en relación si había o no paparazzis. Y muchas de las fotos fans que salían daba la casualidad que desaparecían al rato de las cuentas en que se subían, eso se merece un gran Mmmmm.
Anonymous said…
I think it comes across as unhealthy and obsessive because CD never answers the question of when it will end. He only says it's PR, but it continues whereas with other couples he can pin down the exact time frame of it ending. So fans keep asking desperately hoping he might answer them but he never does. Thus seemingly like they are obsessive. Though some are but not all. They just wanna know and CD won't say,
Anonymous said…

He said it very clearly, would not answer questions on the subject, so do not be wrong in your predictions. Rob is so unpredictable.
Anonymous said…
CD thank you for sharing, in spite of not wanting to and how complicated it can be. I think Rob is between a rock and a hard place, and it all makes money for others as well. I appreciate that every time she tries to sideline his things with engagement or sick/pregnancy rumors, you are there to talk sense. Side note: you were spot on about Rob noticing my dress. Bless you for the confidence boost!
Anonymous said…
Yes thank you CD, I know it's been really hard for him to go through this, like you said being stuck in this arrangement again like the last one. She's making him look like an idiot which he's on, and I just want us to be together sooo badly like you said. Anon 11:50 I know all about the dress thing you were talking about ;)
Anonymous said…
What dress you Anons are talking about? btw Rob and Twigs have been seen at some party in LA and there is a pic of them together. Rob doesn't look unhappy.
Maybe he doesn't look unhappy but T looks miserable like she didn't even want to be their in that fan pics from EMAs after party at CM last night LA And they didn't look like a couple in love too PR pro is working in LA. and rob loves being in LA too he seems more happier their. Than back in London.
Anonymous said…
She's in town because she's working on something with her team whose also in LA. It's all PR. Why else would she wait all that long time to get to LA. She only gets her right at the AMAs event? It's so blatantly obvious. It's BS.
Anonymous said…
Ellos están de promoción de la película de Fka para Sundance 2017, y estarán en LA de fiesta en fiesta para dejarse ver. Promoción pura y dura. Si el se ve mas relajado tal vez se deba a otro motivo, tal vez ya haya tomado su decisión.
Anonymous said…
I agree anon 1:43, Rob has disconnected from it all already. He looks more relaxed and happy cause he's free and single.
Anonymous said…
If Rob is free and single why he was papped with Twigs leaving the hotel in LA a few days ago?
Just go to LA to see your boyfriend AKA Francee Rob just for the weekend and then go to Mexico after without rob she only their because she's working but not to see or spent time with him. mmmmm PR work that weekend like every other time. Hopefully it's over soon because it's getting boring now.

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