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So Just a few reminders. Why to VOTE...

Seems she's there already...


Anonymous said…
CD Rules!
Common Sense said…
Yup ...and so does Hillary!

Anonymous said…
Let's get out and vote for our next President Hillary Clinton tomorrow!!!

CD, you rock!!
T. W. said…
I needed this laugh. Thank you Christian!
Anonymous said…
George Soros will be happy. He gave Hilary 9 million so the banks can subjugate the people.
Anonymous said…
Genuine, raucous LOLs at those. It's 7 am and the guy next door probably thinks I'm having some sort of bronchial fit. Thank you.

Good luck America!
T. W. said…
I just voted. Did a write-in for president. I just can't get behind the serpent lady. I pray she proves me wrong. No matter what, I will still pray for those in office. They need our prayers. I am a Christian and I rarely vote Republican, I want them gone. My state has gone to hell in a hand basket because of their policies. Stay out of North Carolina unless you have a business and want to put our people back to work. We want to work. This state is a$$ backwards. Please pray for us, we need help.
Anonymous said…
STD equals "Stop The Donald". hahahaha Love it! Don't let it infect our country. My bloody gosh....have you ever kept me sane during this election.

T.W. Yes...we are screwed in N.C. Our only hope is if the governor and the general assembly are voted out which probably won't happen because of the way they have worked the laws and limited voting hours. I am praying too because they are sinking us all in this state due to the HB2 law.
T. W. said…
Yes. People know what toilet to use.
Anonymous said…
North Carolina is a great state I just got back from there
There are jobs get trained
Met many nurses that are very qualified
She isn't a serpent
T. W. said…
I have a job and I am in school. There are little jobs in the eastern part of the state. Jobs are in central and western NC. Some places will pay you to learn a trade. I am glad Anon 3:48 had a good time. It is ok if people don't like me. Pray for people who need a hand up, not a hand out. Btw, I did not vote for Trump.
T. W. said…
Anonymous I respect your comments. Thanks for being mature. People like you can change opinions.

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