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Ha HA there's no mic that clever...


Chick'sOpinion said…
'It was the teleprompter, the teleprompter'
Chick'sOpinion said…
CD. What going on with Nikki Minaj.

She has cancelled alot of concerts for her tour.

But curiously, the one she cancelled for Saudi Arabia..she claims she's cancelling it. Based on the lack rights for Women in that country/Kingdom.

Is this just a ruse. To cover up for poor ticket sales in these countries?

Or has Nikki been smoking too much weed with Snoop Dogg.

And he's convinced her.

'Yeah Nikki.. protest. Dont perform in Saudi Arabia. Make those Saudis... pay girls what they ought to. And give them freedom to work. Pay the F..ckin Saudi female athletes what they ought to.

'Hell Nikki, make those Saudis allow Saudi chicks to become Athletes too'

I have to say guys. Snoop Dogg is the most unlikely feminist activist ever to raise their head above the parapet.

Principally because I'm pretty sure he has a history of denigrating women in his music.

Can't recall his exact lyrics from way back.

But me or TW will go get our Silver Spades.

And dig up his former offensive attitudes to women.

I wonder if his PR people have said....

'Snoop Dogg. Cause of the metoo# Movement ya gotta fix ya image regarding women'

'So Snoop Dogg, make this statement about Female Athletes not getting equal pay. Ya know.. Gender Pay Gap shit'
It makes ya look good. And relevant, you know'

Or am I being cynical guys. And Snoop Dogg is being real.
T. W. said…
I never paid much attention to Snoop Dogg's music. I do know that for some people, they sing lyrics they don't like because the paycheck cleared. Nikki Minaj sings about sex all the time, why does she care now?

I read Nikki Minaj needed the money the Saudis would have paid.

If I were her I would have performed. She had to know what goes on over there. Women are oppressed throughout the world so if that is causing her to cancel that performance then she should not perform anywhere ever again. Her new song "Megatron" is nasty. Nice time to be a feminist.

Most importantly, her stage name is Nikki MINAJ.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Later on. I'm gonna get out my Silver Spade. And dig for the shocking abusive descriptions Snoop Dogg used in his lyrics.

About women.

I remember people were pissed off about it.

Like that equally shocking song

Smack My Bitch Up.

Can't remember who sang it.

But even back then. People were offended by it.
T. W. said…
Prodigy sampled the line "change my pitch up/smack my bitch up" from another song. I was in high school when the song came out and most of the kids love it. You see the kinds of people I grew up with. Prayers for them.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Found it.

Lets start with Snoop Dogg turning up at the 2003 MTV Awards.

Dragging women with collars on. And leashes on them.

Notwithstanding all the graphic violence he likes to depict in his music.


His own personal Porn Empire

The man who named his album Doggy Style has lyrics littered with disrespectful name calling.

Of women.

Including calling women, bitches, hoes and whores.

I've never thought he represents oppression in modern America. He thinks he does.

All he does. Like alot of them.

Is glorify. The murderous lifestyles of Gang Members.

And the disgraceful way they treat women.

And unfortunately that includes lots of violence to these women.

From my research. Snoop Dogg has tried to re-brand himself over all his consistent demeaning women shit.

He claims that he's developed a knowing now that women deserve respect.


Well. He was well and truly an adult when he wrote these former obscene lyrics.

So I call B.S on that. Just PR crap.

His Record Company realised they had to re-brand him. Or they'll lose money. Lots of it.

Cause hey, its no longer socially acceptable to demean women.. within a violent context too.

Ummm. And I don't think it ever was in my veiw.

Snoop Dogg doesn't know that though.

Cause he's an idiot.

And has a history of homophobia too.

And claiming he backs Female Athletes to get equal pay now... doesn't atone for his former promotion.

Of objectifying women. And encouraging sexual and physical violence to women.

You only have to glance at his old album covers.

Every picture tells a story.

T. W. said…
Wow. Mariah Carey loves his music.

Which one is the real Snoop Dogg?

I prefer him over Miley Cyrus any day.

The record companies are owned by the elites and have an agenda to push. Was Snoop Dogg programmed? Was Snoop playing along to get money, really thought these things but had a change of heart, or is he still playing a part? Maybe a combination of the above?
Chick'sOpinion said…

The Prodigy. That's right.

I remember alot of people didnt like it.

Mariah Carey loves Snoop because shes recognised a fellow nut.

But if it came down to it.

I agree. I prefer Snoop.

Cause in between the attention seeking statements he makes.

You know, he at least knows about real life.

Mariah doesn't even get up till 4pm.

And no. She's not doing shift work in Manufacturing.

She's a lazy Diva.
T. W. said…
Chick'sOpinion, I respectfully disagree about Mariah Carey being lazy. I can easily see why she gets out of bed at 4pm.

Mariah Carey was forced to disclose she suffers from bipolar disorder. Research shows that people who have this disorder do not have a normal circadian rhythm. They do not do well with shift work, especially swing shifts.

She travels for work, I would think the jet lag affects her more severely. Also, people in show business do a lot of work at night. Attending parties and award shows is work for them. That is how they meet people who might want to work with them. That is how they hear about upcoming projects. Sometimes they are paid to appear or to promote something at the shows and parties.

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