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Under the bus.....


Apple Monkey said…
CD do you think Epstein will be behind bars for the rest of his life? He shouldn’t have been set free in the first place. Do you think he will be naming names?
Chick'sOpinion said…
Apple Monkey

They seem to be aiming for a 45 year sentence.
Chocmint33 said…
Babyfart’s latest nasty tweets about the UK Ambassador to America is all about drawing attention away from the Epstein scandal that he is associated with.
Chick’s Opinion – your question regarding the Eclipses on the other post. During Eclipses drama happens, however, there are also cover-ups regarding the drama, as when an eclipse happens, the Sun covers up the Moon or vice-versa. Actually, I see Trump’s latest tweets as his way of trying to cover up his shit.
An example of an Eclipse is Princess Diana’s death in 1997. That happened during the Eclipse, and boy was there a cover-up regarding it!
Expect to see Babyfart’s tweets going overtime next week to draw attention away from the Mueller testifying event. Also, we are in Mercury Retrograde right now, so some of the information won’t be out until around August 16. By that date things will be clearer.
Furthermore, on August 15/16 Babyfart’s Mars in Leo (the planet of anger) will be conjuncting (joining) transiting Mars in Leo so expect very angry tweets.
Astrologer Jessica Adams has an excellent write-up on Eclipses. Here is the link.
She also just did a very interesting article about this Epstein scandal. Here is the link.
I just watched YouTube and saw this excellent tarot reading by respected psychic Linda G. She talks about Epstein and Trump’s other dramas including the Supreme Court and the stock market. Here is the link.

Chick'sOpinion said…
A long time ago CD did a prediction about American actress, Paz De La Huerta.

That she was basically on a road to self destruction. With alcohol.

She had a bright start.

She was in Cider House Rules
Boardwalk Empire
A Walk To Remember
Enter the Void.

But in the middle of the Boardwalk Empire series.
Her character was suddenly killed off.

And she pretty much disappeared.

We now know why. She was raped by Harvey Wynstein. Twice. (And other things)

And Wynstein used his totally 'oppressive on Hollywood' influence. To kill her career.

The good news is she has appearred in a new documentary all about what Harvey Wynstein did to her.

Good for her.
She's an outstanding actress. Especially..when she played Lucy Danziger in Boardwalk Empire with Steve Buscemi as Nicky.

And also has an unusual beauty.

I never talk about the occult, Witchcraft Black Magic as you know guys. And purposely avoid it.

Because ...get this straight..talking about it. Gives it energy. And I'm only interested in making fun of it.

And remember..dark arts practitioners relish being talked about. Cause they see that as power.

However. I'll make an exception. For Paz De La Huerta.

A long time ago. When she immersed herself in alcohol self destruction.

Louis Theroux was filming his first film.
On Scientology. And was filming/interviewing a male member in a upper floor hotel room.

Bizarrely, Paz De La Huerta wandered in. In a bikini. Sipping a glass of wine.
Yes. Totally weird.

The next day Louis Theroux's director arranged to interview her. Cause of some of the things she was saying.

He discovered that despite her not being a member of Scientology. She has some connection to it.

She claims, long ago, she participated in a re-enactment of an event Ron. L. Hubbard. The king of Scientology used to do

A Magick Ritual. He used to do with WW2 Veteran Scientist and Occultist Jack Parsons.

Him and Ron Hubbard were in a Black Magic cult in the 1940s. Prior to the Scientology thing..

Jack Parsons bought a Pasadena Mansion for the Black Magic Cult. And it is there where Paz De La Huerta, claims she performed this dark arts re-enactment.

I don't doubt shes telling the truth.

But like anyone who dabbles in the Occult.. Black Magic. Their lives and those around them start to turn catastrophic.

And attract dark entities.. people towards them. Hence Paz De La Huerta's fatal meetings with Harvey Wynstein.

And before anyone accuses me of claiming those raped by Wynstein all previously dabbled in Witchcraft. I'm in no way suggesting that.

Just offering a stark informative warning .

Stay away from and people involved in Witchcraft, the Occult and Black Magick. Ouija boards.

Or you will wreak Chaos on your life. And those around you.

Chick'sOpinion said…

Wow. That's intriguing.

Isn't it fascinating how the moon and stars reflect back to us or we reflect to them.

What's happening in the world.

I love gazing at the moon.

And where I live right now. There's more opportunity for it.

And Chocmint33 you are absolutely accurate.

Cause Christian predicted a shit storm of Tweets from Trump in coming weeks.

And as you pointed out.

An eclipse is a perfect way for the moon to illustrate to us... a massive cover up.

Or a series of high profile ones.
T. W. said…
Thanks Chocmint33. I'm gonna pass on the tarot reading. I won't even look for entertainment purposes. Tarot brings bad energy.
T. W. said…
What would happen if Epstein threw Trump under the bus instead of Trump throwing Epstein under the bus?
T. W. said…
Today's Blind Items - Life Before Being A Madam/Child Rapist
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. And Trump whinging about the British Ambassador to the U.S.

And basically expelling him
from his service to the U.S.

Is definately a diversional tactic at the moment.

Though clearly Donald thinks the Presidency role is the Celebrity Apprentice Reality show.

And all he has to yell is 'You're fired'

But what has clearly enraged Trump to the point of nearly havin apoplexy. And soaring blood pressure.

Is the fact that Sir Kim Darroch, this British Ambassador to the U.S, has diplomatic Immunity.

And cannot be sued by Trump for what he said.

Due to being protected by the Vienna Convention of Diplomatic Relations.

So Donald has to eat shit on that one.

Cause he sees suing or firing people as a solution to everything. Cause it works in the business world.

It's good too. Cause this ambassador fiasco has revealed Sir Kim Darroch's scathing but accurate description of the Trump Administration .

To the World.

If Trump didnt expell him. It would have remained an Official Secret.

T. W. said…
This is disgusting. Epstein's former(?) girlfriend has been accused of participating in the abuse. Buy the way. She was a guest at Chelsea Clinton's wedding.


1. Ghislaine Maxwell

2. Today's Blind Items - Life Before Being A Madam/Child Rapist

3. What We Know About Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein’s Alleged Madam

"Over the years, Maxwell has been photographed alongside many prominent, powerful people who are linked to Epstein, such as Donald Trump, Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, and lawyer Alan Dershowitz. Maxwell was even a guest at Chelsea Clinton’s wedding in 2010."

4. The Twisted Truth Behind The Women Who Helped Jeffrey Epstein Traffic Underage Girls

5. From Clinton To Trump: The Powerful Men In Jeffrey Epstein's Orbit


7. Who Is British Socialite Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein’s Longtime Partner?

"The daughter of a British media mogul, Maxwell is alleged to have served as a 'madam' for her billionaire partner"

8. With Jeffrey Epstein locked up, these are nervous times for his friends, enablers

9. Five fast facts about Epstein and his family

10. What You Need To Know About The Jeffrey Epstein Sex Trafficking Case

11. Jeffrey Epstein: Unsealed Indictment Alleges Sexual Exploitation, Abuse of ‘Dozens of Minor Girls’

12. Hundreds of Nude Images of ‘Young-Looking Women or Girls’ Found at Home of Jeffrey Epstein

"The 'hundreds, and perhaps thousands'of sexually suggestive images were kept on compact discs in a locked safe in Epstein’s house"
T. W. said…
See the Black Book in its entirety here:


Alec Baldwin

Ralph Fiennes

Griffin Dunne

New York Post gossip Richard Johnson

Ted Kennedy

David Koch

filmmaker Andrew Jarecki

"In addition to the names above, as well as scores of apparent underage victims in Florida, New Mexico, California, Paris, and the United Kingdom listed under the rubric of 'massage,' the circled entries include:"

Billionaire Leslie Wexner

Former New Mexico Governor Bruce King

Former New Mexico Governor and Democratic presidential hopeful Bill Richardson

Peter Soros, the nephew of George Soros

Former Miss Sweden socialite New York City doctor Eva Andersson Dubin

"[...] we have redacted addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, and the last names of individuals who may have been underage victims[.]"


"Some of the circled entries include additional notes—one address in New York City, for instance, is marked as an 'apt. for models,' and two names bear the marking 'witness.'"


"Although Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew have been mentioned in connection with Epstein's sordid deeds, their names aren't circled in the black book. But Epstein did have 21 contact numbers and various email addresses for Clinton, as well as several contact numbers for the prince."


Here Is Pedophile Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein's Little Black Book
Apple Monkey said…
Thanks so much Chicks. I couldn’t see what sentence they were aiming for. He should never have been let out should he?
Anonymous said…
Hopefully Epstein will tweet like a bird and implicate who sits under the letter “T”.
T. W. said…
Thank you for telling us about Paz. Poor woman. Thank you for warning us about dark Arts too.
T. W. said…
Oprah Winfrey and her girlfriend Gayle King have partied in Jeffrey Epstein's yacht. There's photographic evidence so they can't deny it.
Apple Monkey said…
TW re the Black Book, did all these people go to Epstein’s island?
Chick'sOpinion said…

Thanks for the names in the Black Book.

Note that Ralph Fiennes is in it.

The actor I was talking about a while ago.

The one who is a distinct cousin to Prince Charles. Remember.
T. W. said…
Apple Monkey, I'm not sure. From what i have read some people have been transported to other locations on Epstein's private jet. I do know Epstein is tied to the Clintin Foundation. There have been loud whispers claiming The Clinton Foundation is a front for human trafficking in Haiti.

Chick'sOpinion, thank you for refreshing our memories.
Chick'sOpinion said…
oops. Typo. Distant cousin to Prince Charles.
Apple Monkey said…
No way TW. That’s the first time I have heard that. Shocking. I knew that the foundation paid for Chelsea’s wedding. How do they go to sleep at night? We normal people, have anxiety about so many things and they do such awful stuff and don’t have a conscience.
T. W. said…
Please take the following links with a grain of salt.

The Epstein Diagram

July 10, 2019 Blind Item #9

Was Jeffrey Epstein a SPY? Trump's Labor Secretary Alex Acosta won't deny he made non-prosecution deal with pedophile in 2007 because he was told the financier 'belonged to intelligence'
T. W. said…

Epstein Agrees to Name High-Profile Friends Who Paid for Sex With Minors In Exchange for 5 Years Max In Prison
T. W. said…

"U.S. President Donald Trump and Bill Clinton, former friends of Epstein's who flew on his private Boeing 727, have released statements publicly distancing themselves from him.

Clinton flew on Epstein's plane, dubbed the 'Lolita Express' by the news media, a total of 26 times. The Lolita Express made hundreds of trips to Epstein’s private island where he plied his guests with drugs, booze and underage girls. Flight logs show Epstein had 21 phone numbers for Clinton.

The list of powerful friends who flew on the Lolita Express include comedian Chris Tucker, actor Alec Baldwin, rocker Mick Jagger, politicians Andrew Cuomo, and Britain's Prince Andrew."
T. W. said…
Apple Monkey

THEY sleep at night because THEY are not human.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Jeffery Epstein shouldn't get any opportunities to have a reduced sentence .

5 years. For a life of never ending crime.

Nope this guy needs to locked up for ever.

Apple Monkey said…
Yes that’s very true TW.
Chicks he has to be in jail for the rest of his life. He sounds so depraved. No amount of jail will be sufficient. How many lives has he ruined.
T. W. said…
The Health Inspector and The Welcoming Committee need to visit Epstein every day during his prison stay.
T. W. said…
Blind Items claim the FBI interviewed former President Bill Clinton on Friday (July 12) and that if they want to catch bigger fish then they need to arrest and interrogate the alleged Human Trafficking Queen, Angelina Jolie.

Today's Blind Items - Caught Up

Blind Item #1 - Monday, July 15, 2019

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