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Showing posts from August, 2018

A spanking good time... ha ha...

Another fan of Devils Dust......

Jimmy Fallon has a wonderful career. A wonderful life..... Then why oh why..... Is he risjking everything. By stuffing Devils Dandruff up his nose. Along with the booze, etc, etc... Better make changes... Or 2019 will be a complete mess....

Such a good likeness...

TOLD YA.. Took a while getting closer... Saturday, March 20, 2010 Somethings a knocking in Hollywierd The rumour mill in “Tinseltown” Says that the Natalie Wood, Death case is about to be reopened. If they do it’ll be very nasty. Personally I don’t think they will get anywhere. But 2013 may be a different story all together. Due to a different source.

Oh YEssssss ...

Pretty in PINK ????

Chris Pine & g/f Annabelle Wallis.................. On holiday in Italy with his parents......................... How sweet......  I wonder if the PR team really believes.................. That we are buying this.... NO..NO..NO...  

Hump Day Meme

TOLD YA.. Another one bites the dust.. There she blows..... August 20, 2018 Rudy Giuliani tells a reporter "Truth isn't Truth" when it comes to ... well, the truth.... !!!!! Anyway, between Stormy, Omarosa & Rudy... Trump just keeps getting deeper in the swamp. Can't wait to see what McGahn spurts out this week. It's going to be good. Oh Yes, then there's the GUILTY verdict for Manafort ...

More in a name than you think ....


TOLD YA... Bye Bye ... STALKING...... August 07, 2018 Miranda Lambert has a new boy toy , Evan Felker. But, he's married..... So, Miranda goes on the attack... Who does she attack? Her toy boys wife...... She thinks that this will get toy boy to marry her. HA HA HA........

Pow Wow...

Midnight in the garden of Good and Evil...??

Lindsay Graham Rep of SC. Better change his behaviour... Not that anyone with an IQ above 2. Doesn't know that he's an Old Queen". But, they wouldn't like his........ ... "Dating" young male recruits..

Win a Reading....

Become a PATREON.. to win a 15 min telephone reading.. July 20, 2018 If you become a "PATREON"  for a monthly fee. You will be entered each month.  to win a Telephone Reading..  At the end of each month.......  One Patreon will be choosen  at random.. Just click the link above to join Patreon....

I doubt it......

So MelB has entered rehab for Sex, Drugs, Booze. Let's hope she stays... Or else..................... She'll end up in real psychical danger/harm..


Labour Day Special Offer.....

       Email Reading  Labour Day Offer.. NORMAL PRICE               SPECIAL OFFER 3 Questions $50USD        6 Questions $50USD              Till midnight PT Time Labour Day (recent picture required) Send pic & questions to Payable in advance by Send payment to At they walk you through the process. Readings take approx 3/4 days(Sunday Day OFF)

The "REAL" reason Human Ken Doll was evicted...


Babyfart JR ......

TOLD YA... Just like Arnie..... Wednesday, October 26, 2016 Many more to come ... AS the Religious "Nutters" like to say.... "From the mouths of Babes" (Not the ones Trumps used to ha ha) Another clue as requested ha ha So as " Donald ""Babyfart"" Trump ". Continues to completely deny that the woman. Who have come forward to expose him as the sex offender he is. Well, there's more to come, many more. But trust me that's not the worst of his sex abuse issues. Just wait till the "Others" come forward........ Then you'll understand the reason he choose Arnold Schwarzengger. To replace him on The Celebrity Apprentice. Another "Little" clue ... Ha Ha

TOLD YA.. Sooner not later.... There's alot in a Name.... May 29, 2018 The UK's version of Kim Kardashian, Katie Price. Has to pick up the bill after a romantic lunch.. With her new boyfriend Kris "Boy"son.... He does appear to be looking for his wallet. But, he seems to have left it elsewhere.... Just like his brains..... Won't see Xmas.....

Duh Duh duh duh.....

Another Fan of Devils Dandruff.....

Pete Davidson alleged comic/actor. Presently "Engaged" to Pop Star Ariana Grande. Seem to be heading to becoming. a member of the "27" club.. He needs to go to rehab ASAP... Oh Well.....

Weisselberg To Tell All......

For Lease.... All Mod Cons.....

She made me go to rehab......

Oscar winning actor Ben Affleck. Called his ex Jennifer Garner.... She took him to rehab............... Good for her.............. Sadly it won't work... YET AGAIN............

Another of Babyfarts Friend FLIPS ...

Longest Opera .....

Devils Daughter....

"Stranger Things" actress Millie Bobby Brown. Has if she listens a great career ahead... The problem is the "Devils Dust"..... That she's stuffing up her nose.... Is she continues to do so... She'll be joining Travis Scott in the graveyard....

Pardon who....

NO PARDON ME..... ..

That was quick.......

Ben Affleck is said to be dating..... "Model" Shauna Sexton "Miss May 2018". So soon after getting rid of the last one... No more than 48 hrs. Oh Well, never mind this one won't last either. But this "Model" is very sneaky.... Let's hope she isn't broody......

TOLD YA More storms ahead.... Stormy just became a hurricaine... April 06, 2018 So Stormy remember....  I have never met you...............................  We have never had sex.............................. I never paid you anything......................... Plus I never know my Lawyer paid you... (wait till they go after his lawyer) I never knew about the NDA .................... The morons that voted of me....................  Will believe me, not you, or my wife........ WINNING ha ha.......................................

TOLD YA... "CLINKY"..... Rest of his life... July 31, 2018 Today starts the Terrible Rest of Paul Manaforts life. If he doesn't wake up and talk....... If he thinks Babyfart will help him out.... Is really Stupid..... Years in prison is a long, long time.....

TOLD YA.......Flip, Deal, YAk....... Just one little Prick & BOOM........ April 25, 2018 Michael Cohen will "FLIP" . ..... Babyfart will attempt to "PARDON" him... It won't work...... Michael Cohen, is the "Prick"... That will burst "Trumps" balloon.......

Something to look forward to....

TOLD YA.. SPlits... Won't produce much, for sure... July 12, 2017 Here's Ben Affleck &,  his "newish",  bit of stuff Lindsay Shookus. She's old enough to know  "Once a cheater, always a cheater". A relationship,  created while still in another... NEVER WORKS....

Babyfart brought down by an Apprentice & a Whore... IRONY..

End of Mum cash cow....

KKK member Kylie Jenner .... Needs to get rid of Drugged out Rapper Travis Scott. He's heading for the cemetery...... If she's not careful.... Her Mum will be buying a double plot...

If you thought the tapes were good.. I also have VIDEOS...

He He Ha HA...

There she blows.....

Rudy Giuliani tells a reporter "Truth isn't Truth" when it comes to ... well, the truth.... !!!!! Anyway, between Stormy, Omarosa & Rudy... Trump just keeps getting deeper in the swamp. Can't wait to see what McGahn spurts out this week. It's going to be good. Oh Yes, then there's the GUILTY verdict for Manafort ...

Good Idea ...

WARNING Massive Tweet Storm ahead....

White House lawyer Donald McGahn.                    Has spent 30 HOURS 'cooperating extensively' with Robert Mueller's obstruction of justice probe into Trump.                                                                      For fear of Trump.                                              "Setting him up to tak...

Told Ya.. He's not wrong .... "One is not amused...." January 05, 2018 So the powers that be in Windsor. Have ordered the police that the "Homeless". Must removed from the streets of Windsor. In time for the wedding of, Prince Harry & Meghan Markle. "Where is one going to put them?" How about in the Castle Dungeon. Or bus them to the Tower?. WTF...... What I see happening is. Even more homeless people turning up. Let's what the World thinks of that..... I dread to think what she'd think, of the Markle Family. Especially the Dad.... He'll really embarrass, Meghan, just wait and see...