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Showing posts from February, 2020

Bollocks for Saturday...

Think Ivanka......!

 Jesus may or may not love you VP Pence. But on who doesn't, is your boss. That big orange tub of lard......... Is setting you up, to take the fall. For the useless handling of this Corona Virus. Why? you ask........ Well. he doesn't want you as VP. In his next election......... This is the perfect way to get rid of you. Personally, I feel you deserve, to go Plus this will bring him down too. F A B U L O U S....

TOLD YA In process.....

                   December 18, 2017                         Christian Dions         2018 PREDICTIONS.     Composed between  Nov14th 2017   8.41am        (Partly on a plane not my favorite place ha ha)          Finished Dec 14th1159pm.  Los Angeles Ca 88 MONIES.   Wall St & The City...   Simple... Just think 1929..... Then the rich ego driven arseholes  that support Trump.   Will turn against him... As I sit in Blackpool,  continuing to write the predictions. The DOW hits 24.000 (Nov 30th 201...

Friday fall....

Karma & the Mob are closing.......

Ex child star/actor. Corey Feldman. Needs to get his act together. By not conning people out of funds. For fake projects. (funds are for drugs/booze/rent).   Or he'll be in that plot . Quicker than he ever thought. Then there's the divorce...

No reboot here then....

Form Rags to riches to the grave.......

Lauren Sanchez went morning news anchor.     To the ??? of Jeff Bezos World's richest man..... Is in real danger of being the richest woman..... In the poshest cemetery...

TOLD YA... Lillibet says "NO".. ada/ Dizzy height, then a crash..!!!!! September 04, 2019 Meghan Markle seems to think. Hiring a PR firm be able to fix. All that’s wrong with her firm “Royal” . Silly girl, seems to forget.... Lillibet has all the dosh. All the fame. Plus all the clout. Down she’ll go. Taking Harry with a toll.

Babyfarts Flu prevention ...

available for $50

Coming to a nose near you....

You ask, I answer.... If you believe anything that Trump. Tells you about this developing crisis. BOLLOCKS........... This is coming to the USA and beyond. Sooner than you think...  It's been here before. It wasn't good.......... This time it is in very real danger. Of being MUCH WORSE. WHY..................... We have mass transport as never before. We are being lead to believe.  A paper mask will help. Give me a break....... The vaccine is at least 18 months away. I am not telling you this to cause a panic. But in fact to prevent one. We all need to stand up. SHOUT... Tell Trump and his cronies. To get off their sad, white, male fat arses. Beacuse this horror. Seems to be attacking. Old, Fat white man... THE MOST.........

Russia you listening...

TOLD YA.. Helicopter Co sued... Gianna.html A little OFF.... April 25, 2014 As you know I rarely do sports stuff. But, even though Kobe Bryant.  Seems to have been out of the limelight of late. I get the feeling there's something.  I can't track him after 2019/20. Big, bad not good......... Also something to be exposed.

Birds of a Feather.. THey look like triplets... 1 down, 2 to go..

TOLD YA GOING DOWN.... One down, many more to go......... Hollywood too October 13, 2018 At the moment the pig that is Harvey Weinstein. Is gloating, that a single charge has been dropped. Well, that's a case of counting your chickens... Before they are hatched. He'll still be wearing......   "Orange" In the not so distant future........

TOLD YA Police witness, he'd better check his brakes... Fibs & Lies of the rich & famous..... August 31, 2019 So as the Palace PR team. Goes full on to get us to believe that,  Andrew & Fergie. Are an item again.... (As if they ever were) Just more distraction,  from the Jeffrey Epstein fallout. Oh, there’s much more to come. Pictures, videos, letters, text. Plus the interviews with,  at least three of the victims. Whom all tell the same story. It’s going make QE2 blush so much. She won’t be wearing scarlet for a long time...

Mid Sunday Psalms...


Sunday Thoughts.......

TOLD YA.. Cameras who knew WE DID.. Fibs & Lies of the rich & famous..... August 31, 2019 So as the Palace PR team. Goes full on to get us to believe that,  Andrew & Fergie. Are an item again.... (As if they ever were) Just more distraction,  from the Jeffrey Epstein fallout. Oh, there’s much more to come. Pictures, videos, letters, text. Plus the interviews with,  at least three of the victims. Whom all tell the same story. It’s going make QE2 blush so much. She won’t be wearing scarlet for a long time...

Something for the Weekend, Sir?

Tally Ho..

Entertaining Mr Stone..

TOLD YA Almost to the Day.. Money Money Money.... February 07, 2019 Roger Stone is a twit. So of course he will flip. But, that's not the worst for Trump. With this cowardly chump. All the goods the fed did grab. Prove they both have Ruble dumps.  Then of course, there's the CLINK!!!

Trumptown Logic...

Finale in March.... Yeah Right Ho

So it has been announced that H&M. Will, make their final "Royal" Appearances. In March......  Well, don't hold your breath. No, doubt Ging will turn up. But. Megexit, won't if she gets another offer.

Kelly Anne Conway & Priti Patel

 "Birds of a feather"

Won't last 5 years.......

Stephen Miller, "Hitler" Fan. Wed Vice President Pence's  press secretary,  Ms Katie Waldman........... At  President's Trump International Hotel. Lets hope they got a deal. However....... This is all PR. Just like Mike Pence. Who married a woman. Looks like Miller took a leaf from that book. Mind you, where as Mrs Pence. Gets the joke.. H a H a H a.. Katie doesn't.............. She thinks it for real...... Maybe her family own Gas companies....

New Golf Cart.....

What closet/wardrobe.....

UK TV Host Phillip Schofield. Decided the other day. To come "O U T" ..... WTF........ I never knew he was "I N" !!!! It was so sweet how he and his team. Think that they have fooled us. As well as making, upcoming law suits. Go away.... NO...... For example..... There's a young man. 20's/30's. Who has known PS since his early teens. Apparantly, has decided to spill the beans. Now, wether this becomes a court case. Or just a very big check? Either will see. PS, loose his very well paying jobs.  Can't see him lasting another 2/3 years...

MORE LIES from Trumptown....

"Happy" Presidents Day...

Week Ahead......

Boris Johnson, is a dick . He gets rid of people quick. One day, soon. On a full moon. He'll double flush. Taking him too.

Thought for Sunday....

Not yet a TOLD YA......Looney in charge of the Assylum...

Justin "My Favourite Lesbian" Bieber. Is offering to look after  Billie Eilish. Just the other day, I warned all that... That she was in danger of the music biz. Now this...... Please God, her parents and brother. Keep them apart. Or..............

TOLD YA... YET ANOTHER PEDO PAL... Fibs & Lies of the rich & famous..... August 31, 2019 So as the Palace PR team. Goes full on to get us to believe that,  Andrew & Fergie. Are an item again.... (As if they ever were) Just more distraction,  from the Jeffrey Epstein fallout. Oh, there’s much more to come. Pictures, videos, letters, text. Plus the interviews with,  at least three of the victims. Whom all tell the same story. It’s going make QE2 blush so much. She won’t be wearing scarlet for a long time...

Just a reminder for this weekend..

Our Heathly, Stable Genius, Slave Master....

So Babyfart, is about to have a fit. There's a show, to air Sunday on MSNBC. It's about the Food Industry would collapse. With out our immigrant freinds. It's called. "Whats eating America. Watch fot the tweets. But also just how many Undocumented people. Trump employs.....  Not including his ex hooker wife.

"Happy Valentines, babyfart"

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