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Showing posts from March, 2020

A whole new meaning to "Court"ing..... Johnny Depp will be allowed to take. The gold digger ex Amber Heard to "Court". Seeking $50m in compensation. HE'll WIN.    She'll lose.... At last Johnny Depp will be able to say. "Va te faire foutre"

For once he speaks the truth...

Vanity Unfair.....

Monday Morning Cheerleading Meeting ...

TOLD YA... She too... UNKNOWNS ..... December 05, 2019 Trump, Melania, Ghislaine  & Prince Andrew...

Sunday Extra...

Sunday Psalm....

TOLD YA.. Shes gone.....& She Lost Ha HA Friday, June 12, 2015 Needs to make a change ... So as Johnny Depp. Gets over the Aussie doggie farce. He needs to take a check of is life. While career wise no real problem. BUT HIS PRIVATE LIFE  NEEDS A COMPLETE CLEAR OUT. Get rid of Amber Herd PRONTO ... She's trouble.    She will cause him much grief.

Global Prayer Circle...

Please add yours in the comments. Hi No need for a time... Just add your prayer thoughts in the comments. This Prayer Circle. Sends Prayers out 24/7...

Team switch....

Amber Heard has a new  "Beau" Bianca Butti. Bianca is a film maker. Well, that explains the reason Amber picked her. Maybe a chance of a movie part. NOT. But, is there nothing this fame whore.  Will do to get her mug in the tabloids. No, clearly not. But I wonder how long Bianca... Will stand or lay down for the beatings. Goes to prove Johnny was telling the truth. Mind you, wait till you have to visit her in clinky. Bianca,  girl GET OUT NOW...... Won't last past 2021...

Oh the Irony...

Explains the move to La La Land...

Well, the past is catching up. Megexit, was/is a follower of the Cult?. Once they get her back. God help us. Why you ask? Well seems H&M have moved. Right around the corner. To the Loony Bin...

All about the money...

No Shit.....

Trump Card....

Just wait 10 days...

So two weeks ago, the selfish. Went to Florida on Spring Break. Now, Florida will be buying coffins. Not only Florida. But, the hometowns of the selfish. Still against the stay at home deal?

Told Ya NOT..... Next 27 club member... .. November 25, 2018 Travis Scott,  who is currently "dating" Kylie Jenner. If he marries her..........................ha ha. He's signing his death warrant....  If that does get him........... The drugs will..................

Ya, ya, ya..... What ?


Latest Fairy Tale.. from the Nuthouse..

Babyfart seems to think. That he can open up the USA. By the time, the Easter Bunny. Has arrived.... Well, he's in for a shock. "Cause if he does.." Not only will it kill millions. It will create a depression. That'll make the Great Depression. Look like a stroll in the park... ps same time the Titanic sailed !!!

Back to work morons.....

TOLD Ya.... Monster.... Little head, ruling big head..... June 17, 2016 Out of control, Floyd Mayweather. He of way too much money & EGO.... Has a new Jet, in fact his second one. Perhaps he's planning to buy a fleet???. Perhaps he's planning to learn to fly???. No, doubt that, not bright enough. Oh well, that just leaves his EGO. Well, not quite. All this spending is to do with his,   profound unhappiness in life. He's at a major crossroads. Either he'll keep on spending. Or get therapy. My bets on SPENDING. Sadly not on therapy. Then there's the tell all book. ALMOST.......... (Needs to change the carpet, AGHHHH)


Wait till April 15th....

One does hope... they don't blame the Nanny..

Let's hope and pray. That now KP is pregnant. She or her other. Don't mix upthe  baby formula.... & the Devils Dandruff.

Just weeks away....

Told ya.. Round Two.... Oh what a weak it'll be ............... March 16, 2020

Hollywood soon ....

Indeed... False Prophets....

TOLD YA.... Way worse to come, sadly... Reincarnation, anyone ???? April 30th 1945  died June  14th  1946 born

He's asking for a heart attack...

Friday Treat ..

Grow a pair.......

Oh dear, what can the matter be. Sam Smith, is having a meltdown. WHY? He's self isolating.... In his $20million mansion in London. Sam....... Call some parents in a two bedroom council house. With 4 kids, doing the same. I'm sure they will do a swap with you. You really are pushing your oddness, too far. In very real danger of loosing the plot! Backlash ahead......

Starting A podcast on April 1st

Hi Gang..... I am thinking a podcast. What do you think..

No tests, yeah right...

It seems that if you have the money. as in Footballers, BasketBall players etc. You get a test? So, tests must be available, right? I think that the real reason that we aren't getting. Tests for all. Is that Trump and his morons. Are holding back tests. Why? you ask. Because they know that the positive numbers. Are beyond high. So high. That if they did test all of us. The whole of society will come crashing down. Airport closures next.....

Thursdat thought...

Stop hoarding .. SHARE...

Dear World. WTF...... No matter how much loo paper you hoard. It won't stop you getting the virus. But, going to stores to be greedy. Will help you get the virus. Get It !!!!! Use that greed energy, to help a neighbour. Help a friend.'''''''''' Clean the house..... Binge watch TV.... Skype you loved ones. Play cards/games over the internet. Just STOP BEING ARSEHOLES...

What a Fucking Racist Moron...

He just said this on global television...

Happy Birthday Dad..

Are having a great party with everyone Upstairs. My Dad would  have been 90 today. No dancing on the tables you old bugger...

Shithead Hoarders.....

Told YA... New meaning to giving the finger... Actress...??? Oh YES....... March 11, 2020 Sometimes it feels like stating the obvious. (Well, for me....) Yes, AH has been mentioned before. But, shes on a tear. Trying to say the her ex Johnny Depp. Assaulted her..... Really....? She is clearly reading from a different script. The She Devil that she is... When the truth is out about her. We will all see. That she is the abuser. I do hope her on/off client. Elon Musk. Had better get some iron gloves....

Feelings from across the pond..

Miley Cyrus My heart is breaking for the lad, who opened a bar in Peckham, put every penny he had into it and then Boom. My heart is breaking for the girl, who taught dance to disadvantaged kids in Rome, saved all her pennies to buy a ticket and then Boom. My heart breaks for the shy boy, who had been supporting himself, as a musician for years, got his big break beginning of February, and then Boom all his gigs have been cancelled. Aged 33 they're all having to move back to live with their parents - what's the alternative? And so all the children of the 80's who wanted their own life are now lost. Pained and lost. And I dont know how to blame the Tory Government - lack of investment over ten years, savage cuts, heartless policies - it's not even that that breaks my heart, what breaks my heart is that the Conservatives are mostly wealthy pubic school boys, without a finger on any kind of pulse, who don't engender any kind of trust - well no...

Happy St Paddys..

TOLD YA.. and it's only Monday.... Oh what a weak it'll be .............. March 16, 2020