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Showing posts from October, 2019

TOLD YA Again !!!! With more to follow... Just maybe his last.... September 13, 2017 The nutter that is known as Kim Jon Un. Is about to let of another of his bombs. This one will be bigger than all the others so far. But, the good news is. It will get those in power. OFF THEIR FAT ARSES... As so to put a stop to this prick...

Trick or Treat.....

Botox required very soon..

More and more PR to come. How can she think we are so dumb. Well she does. But, just wait a while. Then comes. Oh such a frown...


Friday 13th December....


Now Boris has  Trumps Endorsement July 24, 2019 General  Election  before   New Years.

British Government today..

Halloween Special..

Rumpy Trumpy is a Pratt. Plus he’s extremely fat. Also he has lots of boos. But by Thursday. He’ll have lots of blues. The answer as the writs arrive. Then we’ll see all is lies. But even those that believe his crap. Will see just how corrupt his family are....

TOLD YA.. More crap... Countdown to chaos.... August 26, 2019  Just when you thought. This Brexit Mess. Couldn't get any worse. Oh it can. Oh it will. Wait till the Channel Crossing. Chaos beginnings... Watch this space...


TOLD YA... PR PR PR PR.... stein- Virginia-Roberts.html Fibs & Lies of the rich & famous..... August 31, 2019 So as the Palace PR team. Goes full on to get us to believe that,  Andrew & Fergie. Are an item again.... (As if they ever were) Just more distraction,  from the Jeffrey Epstein fallout. Oh, there’s much more to come. Pictures, videos, letters, text. Plus the interviews with,  at least three of the victims. Whom all tell the same story. It’s going make QE2 blush so much. She won’t be wearing scarlet for a long time.

Happy Diwali

Don’t worry we won’t...

Week Ahead..

If you think last week was odd. Wait till Monday has gone. Not just Trump. Nor Brexit.. Syria, Turkey . Or. GOP Bombs X 2.... Then Vatican.... Plus ?????

Last Five Days...

HALLOWEEN SPECIAL.....    HALLOWEEN  Special 1 Question normally $20usd.  SPECIAL 2 Questions Special $20usd.  (recent picture required)  Send pic & questions to Payable in advance by Paypal. Send payment to  At they walk you through the process.  Readings may take a week to process. 

You are, no you are...

Reminiscence ........

One + one, is called a couple. Sometimes added is then another. Not three, just a pair plus one. But when while out, you add another. Then comes trouble, from Dear Mother. Oh, but then there’s pics. Which will prove, who’s the dick...

A Warning........

Upsadaisy pardon me. Am I the author, hide and see. Babyfart is going to. Very upset, with me.

Cut and Paste.....

Jason Statham, diver, dancer, actor... Has a friend, not his fiancé... More than ever at his hand. Now comes a shock to many fans. They can’t hold hands, in public at least. But in the pictures, comes out the truth. Sooner, than the PR teams.... Can photoshop.

What he really thinks...

By Thanksgiving, pardon me....!

Trumpy Baby’s at it yet again. Telling Turkey all is done. Just a distraction, from his grifting. Soon he’ll re instate, all he’s lifted. He needs to confuse. As the impeachment closer looms. As he chucks Pence under the bus. Then the Christian’s start to see. The Devil. At theirs knees.....

Closer & Closer.....

You’re country doesn’t need you...

Lynching !!!!!!

What a twat......

Puppet Master.......

To those that have wondered why... Trump & Boris......... Appear to sing from the same hymn book. This is the answer.... STEVE BANNON... He is the most awful person on the planet.... He'll end up in jail ha ha.. Even worse than Trump & Boris

“I will pay you Tuesday ...”

Not that “WE” didn’t know.....

So now Harry & William are on different roads. More like motorways. To be honest. There’s much worse to come. Odd how Harry had a meltdown on. Mental Health Day. Well the first public one. Wait till he’s in America for Thanksgiving. Nothing like a family gathering to bring families together. Maybe even separate flights home.

Good Old Babs...

UK week ahead...

Oh what a week it will be... Boris and his cronies. Try to sell. Yet another trip to hell. Fear, not people. Nowt will happen. Just more of the same. Then an election.. Who’s to blame... Steve Bannon, that’s who...

Indeed.. WHat a week it’ll be...

Running Out of time....

Spooky Special... October 08, 2019 HALLOWEEN SPECIAL.....  October 02, 2019  HALLOWEEN Special 1 Question normally $20usd. SPECIAL 2 Questions Special $20usd (recent picture required) Send pic & questions to Payable in advance by Paypal.Send payment to At they walk you through the process. Readings may take a week to process.  process.

Rub a Dub Dub........

So as Boris Johnson licks his wounds. He better break out the booze. He’s going to need it. As he enters the final too weeks of his PM-ship.


No Jokes/gossip today...

Sending Dad aka “Fishy” home today. Just need a break..... CDX  Some people just don’t know what they have till they loose it..

All that glitters is Lillibets...

Meghan Markle seems to think. She can keep, all the pretty sparkly things. Oh, what a silly girl. Doesn't, know her history then. Heads have rolled, to collect those jewels. Never will they leave,  Lillibets grip. Even if she were to pack them. Customs would bring them back. She must think shes the President of the USA.

Marathon to nowhere....

Oh what a web they weave...

David Correia arrested at JFK. Is linked to Rudy Giuliani and the Ukraine plot. But, wait that’s not all. He’s on another list..... The long list of cronies, of the man who committed ”suicide”. Who also has a prince as a friend. This will go all the way back to Trump. Keep watching this space.

Truth be told....

Shining.. ...

From before we can remember. Was a weapon, bright not tender. Now it seems they have reinvented. Driving people to the    shadows. From above, as the Sun rises. Aimed at those that have no shelter. Smell of burning flesh and sinew. From the East not the West. Made is China, more or less.

There he BLOWS...

Told Ya.... Guns Out....WEHO........ Follow your dream, make it big. March 12, 2010 Heart throb Jeremy Renner, has had a wonderful week. Believe me there’s a lot more, to come for this actor. It is wonderful in Hollywood, For a change to see a nice, open guy to get to the top. Well done, Jeremy keep up the good work. Let’s hope the closet door stays closed. It may for a decade. Not much longer though.

Monday Trump....

Robin Hood..

Not by bullets, not by bombs. Comes the troubles, to many Sons. Shafts of birch, straight and true. Hit their targets, from on high. Many fall, all are pure.. Before the people will see why. Not just one place. More that four. Cities, countries. Then maybe more. At least twelve hands. Are to blame.. Two escape, never to be found. Ten will be charged as are blue.

History such good fun...

Fat arse....

Reading Special

Spooky Special... October 08, 2019 HALLOWEEN SPECIAL.....  October 02, 2019  HALLOWEEN Special 1 Question normally $20usd. SPECIAL 2 Questions Special $20usd (recent picture required) Send pic & questions to Payable in advance by Paypal.Send payment to At they walk you through the process. Readings may take a week to process.

TOLD YA..GONE... too little too late.. I’ll give him 5 years..OUT August 12, 2014 So Faux News Anchor Shep Smith. Has apologised for his "COWARD" remark in regards to Robin Williams death. He should talk,  with all the "SECRETS" in his closets....


Balls and ??

David Beckham is a lad. Seems that he’s also a cad. Posh Spice maybe thin. But she about to be hit on the chin. Her hubby, has a tart. Traveling with him , Even when its dark.

Friday Night News...

TOLD YA. RICKY DICK..... Babyfart and Tricky Ricky..... December 14, 2016 There ya go. Babyfart has found another "NUT" in his barrel. This time, Rick "I can't remember of what I am in charge" Perry. To head the Energy Dept. You know the one he wants to get rid of. In essence firing himself. Before he gets his first pay check. P.S. THen watch fo the 2019/20 scandal

Look out Australia....

R.I.P Dad......

Dad aka FISHY” 1930-2019 Thank you all, For the kind Prayers & Thoughts. 

Spooky Special...

HALLOWEEN SPECIAL..... October 02, 2019   HALLOWEEN Special 1 Question normally $20usd. SPECIAL 2 Questions Special $20usd (recent picture required) Send pic & questions to Payable in advance by Paypal.Send payment to At they walk you through the process. Readings may take a week to process.
